Non profit organisation Talismanneke
Talismanneke uses the force of imagination to deal with the difficulties of life.
We try to realize all our projects in respect of Mother Earth and all her children.
A quotation that inspires our work:
Stoofstraat 81 B6
1000 Brussel
contact form
Board members
Agnès Loonis
Katrien De Decker
Gudrun Iserentant
Piet Slosse
Leen Van De Velde
Bank account
Triodos bank: BE 70 5230 8036 9225 (BIC: TRIOBEBB)
Founder Nathalie Slosse
Nathalie Slosse was born in 1976 in Brussels. She lives in one of the oldest parts of town, together with her husband and two children. After studying Classical Philology and teaching Latin and Greek for some time, she moved on to work for several non-profit organizations where she developed ideas and projects related to global wealth distribution, parenting and other topics of social relevance. has given a new direction to her life after she overcame breast cancer in 2007. She went through a long and trying treatment when her son was only 2 years old, and it took all her creativity to make her illness and treatment understandable to him. At the time, no books were available to help discuss cancer with such small kids. This drove her to write “Big Tree is Ill”, the book she had missed so much. In 2010, Nathalie Slosse founded the non-profit organisation Talismanneke, developing projects that use the force of imagination to deal with the difficulties of life. In 2011 she was diagnosed for the second time with breast cancer and made good use of her own book to explain the events to her daughter.