
Drops of Magic

Drops of Magic (original title: Toverdruppels) narrates Snibbles’s encounter with the Teardrop Fairy. Together they are confronted with sadness and grief big and small as lived by Snibbles’s friends: a rabbit, a squirrel family, a bat… Snibbles discovers the power of friendship, compassion and imagination. This book offers tools to children to help them cope with grief and loss in their own lives.

In order to allow children to express, explore and cope with the emotions they feel in difficult situations, the last few pages of the book offer ideas for games, small art projects and philosophical thought exercises. All of these have been tested on small children and promote enriching exchanges between children and the people raising or teaching them. The focus is always on the child’s emotional well-being. The outlined activities are applicable both in a family and a classroom environment.

The book appeared in Dutch in 2012 (with Abimo publishers) and is currently being distributed in the Netherlands and Belgium. In 2016 this title was reprinted for the 4th time. Rights have been sold to China.

If you have a special interest in this project, please contact us.

Technische fiche
Drops of Magic
Nathalie Slosse
Rocío Del Moral


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